Please note due to the large number of Technic Platform modpacks, we can't include all available packs in this guide. However, the installation instructions for different packs mostly vary only by the mods installed, and the intructions for one pack can be roughly followed for any other pack, only with a few differing file names and directories.
Prepare your server
1. In the Multicraft control panel, stop your server if you're running one and back up its world and important files.
Prepare Technic Platform
2. Download the latest version of the Technic Platform Server you want from their website.
3. Extract the server files into a temporary location on your computer.
4. Delete and launch.bat as these files are not needed when hosting Technic Platform on PlayPro.
Upload Technic Platform to your server
5. If you're installing Tekkit Classic:
Upload the all the sub folders (redpower, plugins, mods, config and buildcraft) and the file mod_EE.props to the root of your server using FTP.
5. If you're installing a 1.4.7 based pack, for example Tekkit Lite or Voltz:
Upload the all the sub folders (config, coremods, and mods) to the root of your server using FTP. There many be other directories included in the pack depending on which mods are contained in the pack, which should also be uploaded to the root directory.
5. If you're are installing a 1.5.2 based pack, for example Hexxit or Big Dig:
Upload the all the sub folders (config, coremods, lib, and mods) to the root of your server using FTP. There many be other directories included in the pack depending on which mods are contained in the pack, which should also be uploaded to the root directory.
5. If you're installing a 1.6.4 based pack, for example Tekkit or Attack of the B-Team:
Upload the all the sub folders (config, mods, hats, and Flan) to the root of your server using FTP. There many be other directories included in the pack depending on which mods are contained in the pack, which should also be uploaded to the root directory. Upload the libraries folder into the /jar folder on your server.
If you are unfamiliar with FTP, please see our guide on using FTP here.
6. Upload your mod pack's server jar (ie Tekkit.jar, TekkitLite.jar, etc), and the included minecraft_server.jar into the jar folder of your server. For better compatibility with Multicraft, you should rename the mod pack jar (ie Tekkit.jar, TekkitLite.jar, etc) to custom_server.jar.
Configure Multicraft for Technic Platform
7. In the Multicraft control panel, set the JAR file to your mod pack's server jar (ie Tekkit.jar, TekkitLite.jar, etc) and the JAR dropdown to "default" so that it looks like this, and then click save.

8. Start your Technic Platform server.